Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Well here is my first attempt at blogging! I hope this works and I keep it updated!!
So I had a great Mother's Day weekend! On Saturday I started it off with an early run then came home to some homemade waffles. Clint has got those down to perfection. He adds cinnamon and sugar and they are to die for! Then we were off to Clint's softball game, which he lost but the kids had fun looking for golf balls by the driving range on base. They also found a snake in the tree, Cole said it was a Cobra. He said it was green, I then assured him it was a garden snake but Cole knows best! :) Then we came home and had a family movie night. Sunday Clint had to work so me and the kids went to church then had lunch with him at the fire dept. He had roses and cards waiting for me.. very sweet! Then the best part was when we got home the boys played together and me and Kylee took a nap with Lifetime watching me! It was a great much needed lazy day.


  1. You are awesome and your kinds are just a reflection of you; perhaps a bit better! Hehaw! God Bless You for strength, wisdom and power to all you can be as a Mother. Love ya, Kim

  2. What a great family. Hopefully, you'll be much closer to "Gran and Pots" in the not too distant future. See you soon. All our love, Pots

  3. Happy Mother's Day! I can't wait to keep up with your blog. I hope you don't mind but I added it as a friendly on mine.

    Happy Blogging!
